June 22, 2019. It was a day filled with lots of beautiful quilts and many friends
Work In Progress. Sandy Darata
Patrice’s Studio
Silk Flowers-Georganna Hawley and Jennifer Anderson
Patrice’s Cartwheels Through Wyoming
Studio Study
Patrice’s house ready for Tour guests
Georganna Hawley
Silk Flowers detail
Circles & Holes
Sandy Darata and her Christmas Quilt
Flamingo-Sandy Dart
We the People Will Not Live in Fear. Women’s March 2017. Georganna Hawley (with permission of artist)
Cotton & Steel Selvege Zig Zag-Georganna Hawley
Dena Miskel’s Atomic Stars
A bit of constructive critique
Tisha’s magic castle
Tisha’s design wall
Modern design wall
Blue Leaves
Lou and Sharon Mountford
Kathy Price and Annie Olson
Making something fun at the craft table
Grand Prize Basket