The Ventura Modern Quilt Guild is an affiliate member of The Modern Quilt Guild. Through a group exemption with the Modern Quilt Guild, Inc., we are recognized as a Section 501(c)3 tax-exempt entity.
Our Guild maintains its 501(c)3 status in part by making quilts and other textile items and donating them to chosen local charitable concerns, supporting children and others in need.

In the tradition of the quilting community at large, members have shared their talents through creating items such as placemats, potholders, mini quilts, COVID masks and, of course, quilts of all sizes, to donate to philanthropies in Ventura and beyond.
VMQG has a long history of working with several local organizations. However, on occasion, the opportunity arises to meet a specific need.

Some of our past projects include:
- quilts for those displaced by the 2018 Woolsey Fires in Malibu and the Camp Fire in Northern CA with our Thomas Fire Relief Project,
- masks to assist health care workers through our 2020 COVID 19 Mask Project,
- and guild wide collaborative efforts such as our 2020 Quilt Con Charity Quilt which was auctioned to benefit Step-Up Ventura.
- VMQG member, Kim delivered quilts in person to Maui Quilt Shop in Maui for victims of the 2023 Maui fires.

- VMQG helped Ventura County celebrate its 150th Anniversary– As part of programs and events celebrating 150 years in Ventura County, VMQG members worked together to create a tapestry for a traveling exhibit entitled “Ventura County, The Place We Call Home.” This exhibit opened October 21, 2023 at the Santa Paula Agriculture Museum during the Sea Jubilee Event, and made appearances at the Bank of America Performing Arts Center, Thousand Oaks (November 11), Oxnard College, Condor Hall (November 27) and Rancho Simi Activity Center (December 9, 2023). Many thanks to Cheryl Collart for involving VMQG in this exciting project!

In 2023, our members donated:

Baby quilts and senior lap quilts (total: 45 quilts) to the Ventura County Medical Center, quilts to victims of the fires in Maui and countless placemats for the Senior Center, Meals on Wheels
In 2022, our members donated:
8 Senior Lap quilts
10 quilts to Foster Care Youth
17 Baby Quilts to VC Health Care Foundation
Lots and lots of placemats to Senior Center Meals on Wheels
In 2021, our members donated:
20 quilts to Children’s Auxiliary Services for foster youth
46 baby quilts to Ventura County Medical Center
10 quilts to Afghan Refugees
2 quilts to Step-Up
Mini quilts to benefit the Atlanta Quilt Festival
Potholders to benefit the International Quilt Museum
Countless placemats to Senior Center Meals on Wheels
New Opportunities for 2023
- Senior Nutrition: Placemats
- Ventura County Medical Center: Small Quilts for babies/ Lap quilts for seniors
- VCMC’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU): burp cloths (18 x 7 inches, with straight edges/rounded corners, in flannel or gauze cloth)
- Human Services Agency: 60×60 quilts, suitable for all ages, for families in transitional living
Philanthropy Information
Children’s Auxiliary of Ventura County
Every year this organization has a Christmas Store for foster families to come and choose Christmas gifts for their children. Our goal is to furnish quilts and other handmade items. They especially need quilts for older boys-10+. These guys seem to miss out and they love to get a quilt!
City Center– provides a transitional living center for homeless individuals and families in Ventura.
Step -Up Ventura’s mission is “to stop the cycle of homelessness and trauma, strengthen parent-child relationships, and promote the well-being of homeless children and their families by providing attachment-based, trauma-informed all day therapeutic infant and toddler care and preschool for homeless children aged zero through five.”