“Edgy” is finished and ready to meet the world!
The Cotton + Steel selvage blocks were completed earlier this Spring. Selvages were pieced by many members, it was assembled by Scott Griffin, bound by Maria Ring and finally, “Edgy” was beautifully quilted by member Dena Miskel.
Opportunity tickets will be available starting at the August 12 Ventura MQG member meeting. Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5. The drawing will be held in Summer of 2020.
Edgy will be visiting So Cal quilt guilds in the coming months and of course you are welcome to visit a guild meeting, see Edgy on display and get your tickets.
Our 2019/2020 Opportunity Quilt “Edgy” has Two Inspirations:
This lovely Modern take on a Traditional pattern by Scott Griffin:

Based on a Kite pattern (Brackman, Encyclopedia of Pieced Quilts Patterns, 1983), first published by Clara Stone in Practical Needlework: Quilt Patterns, 1906.
Our second inspiration was the fabulous pile of selvages we were given by Cotton + Steel at Quilt Con 2018. Their selvages are so bright, colorful and just darn cute, we knew they had to be used for something special.
The process is slow, but we are getting there. Keep visiting to see how the Ventura MQG 2019 Opportunity Quilt progresses.
Previous Ventura MQG Opportunity Quilts
We Have a 2018 Winner!!

Pat Tugwell of Ventura won the drawing at our March 12 Ventura MQG meeting.
Congratulations, Pat.
2017/2018 Opportunity Quilt Ka-Bloom!
Inspiration for our own Ka-Bloom
2016-2017 Opportunity Quilt
View the quilt online: See whole photo album here
2014-2015 Opportunity Quilt
Congrats to the 2015 Opportunity Quilt winner Jeanne Snodgrass, who lives in Little Rock, CA. She bought $5 in tickets at Superbuzzy during the Central Coast Shop Tour in May. She and her grandmother (to whom she intends to give the quilt) will be on hand at the Member Meeting in September! The drawing was held at the Ventura MQG’s regular Member Meeting on August 10, 2015.
Suggested donations for opportunity quilt tickets brought in over $1500 to the Ventura Modern Quilt Guild. Thanks to all who bought and sold and talked up the Quilt. Stay tuned for info about our next Opportunity Quilt.
“Boxing It Up”
2014-15 Ventura Modern Quilt Guild Opportunity Quilt
65″ x 75″
…and it’s a beauty! Ventura Modern Quilt Guild Members created their responses to a “Rectangle in a Rectangle” block challenge using only cotton solids and Kona white — and the results were so great, our then-VP Scott got inspired to design our first Opportunity Quilt using the blocks. With a lot of help from Ventura MQG members at various Saturday Sew-Ins at superbuzzy, and even more work by Scott, a tip to the left, and voila! The completed top got passed on to Georganna Hawley for long arm quilting, and after six days, it was ready to bind and finally be presented to the world.
Photo credits: G. Palmer