March Meeting (March 11, 2013)

Date:   Monday, March 11th Time:   6pm to 8pm (superbuzzy open at 5pm) Location :  superbuzzy  (directions) Our program for this meeting will be a QuiltCon recap!  We will be sharing pictures and stories from the first ever convention devoted to modern quilting. Don’t forget your block for our March challenge which was to make aContinue reading “March Meeting (March 11, 2013)”

QuiltCon & Modern Quilt Guild News

Wow! QuiltCon was a whirlwind of inspiration and activity! Please join us at the next VMQG meeting on March 11 where we’ll share pictures and stories from the wonderful event (and hope to lure you into attending QuiltCon in 2015!). Courtesy of The Modern Quilt Guild and Craftsy, a number of QuiltCon lectures are now availableContinue reading “QuiltCon & Modern Quilt Guild News”

Thank You! Thank You!

We want to give a big “Thank You!”, to the wonderful vendors who contributed fantastic prizes to our February raffle! Art and Jenny’s Sewing Machine Center, Quilt Ventura and  Homespun Treasures were all so generous in their support of VMQG! Also, we had many members who contributed fabric, kits and other goodies to our basketContinue reading “Thank You! Thank You!”

February Meeting (February 11, 2013)

Date:   Monday, February 11th Time:   6pm to 8pm (superbuzzy open at 5pm) Location :  superbuzzy  (directions) Our program for this meeting will be our MQG Madrona Road Challenge creations. If you participated in the challenge please bring your quilted item (completed or in process) to the meeting. We want to see them all! Don’t forgetContinue reading “February Meeting (February 11, 2013)”

Winners – Madrona Road Challenge!

Thanks to all of the Ventura MQG members who participated in the Madrona Road Challenge! VioletCraft has selected  her 2 favorites, and Michael Miller Fabrics has selected 8 projects to be featured in their booth at QuiltCon. Click through to see all of the selected projects, and be sure to check out all the completed entriesContinue reading “Winners – Madrona Road Challenge!”