Just a quick announcement : Our May Board Meeting will be held Wednesday, May 22nd, 6pm at superbuzzy. Our board meetings are always open to VMQG members. If you are not a board member and plan on attending please leave a comment on this post. Thank you!
Author Archives: Admin
Modern Quilt Guild additional information
Click HERE to view the webinar. You will need to register but it only takes a few seconds. Click HERE to read a document with frequently asked questions about Modern Quilt Guild membership.
May Meeting Reminder
Date: Monday, May 13th Time: 6pm to 8pm (superbuzzy open at 5pm) Location : superbuzzy (directions) In addition to our other fun activities we will be learning about the benefits of joining the MQG. In addition to that, Kelly Stevens will be demoing some really great curved piecing techniques! Don’t forget your block for ourContinue reading “May Meeting Reminder”
AQS Modern Quilt Challenge
Do you have a stunning modern quilt (made after January 1, 2010) that you’d like to share with the world? The American Quilter’s Society is sponsoring a Modern Quilt Challenge! Deadline to enter is August 2, 2013, so get stitching!
May Meeting Challenge & Swap Guidelines
Hi everyone! It was so wonderful to see you all again at our April meeting! There was some great back & forth discussion regarding both the block challenge and the fabric swap for our May meeting, so we wanted to clarify the details and add some information since we last met. In the interest ofContinue reading “May Meeting Challenge & Swap Guidelines”
April Board Meeting
Just a quick announcement : Our April Board Meeting will be held Monday, April 22nd, 6pm at superbuzzy. Our board meetings are always open to VMQG members. If you are not a board member and plan on attending please leave a comment on this post. Thank you!
April Meeting Reminder
Date: Monday, March 11th Time: 6pm to 8pm (superbuzzy open at 5pm) Location : superbuzzy (directions) In addition to our other fun activities our main topic will be “3-D quilt blocks” presented by our wonderful Vice President Rob ! Don’t forget your block for our April challenge which was to make a block in the modernContinue reading “April Meeting Reminder”
Creativity Homework
My brain is still fun with ideas and inspiration from QuiltCon (and I didn’t even get to attend any lectures or workshops!), and it’s been really fun to see all the follow-up news appearing after the big event. Bill Kerr and Weeks Ringle of FunQuilts were instructors at QuiltCon, and have long been makers of modernContinue reading “Creativity Homework”
Our April block challenge
Don’t forget: Our April challenge is to create a modern quilt block inspired by architecture.
International Quilt Festival!
It’s that time again: time to gather up your quilts to submit to the Modern Quilt Guild Showcase at the International Quilt Festival! Read up on all the details, including submission guidelines, on the Modern Quilt Guild blog.