Here are the details of our January 2014 Paint Chip Challenge: Blindly choose 3 paint chips. Use three of the colors from your paint chips as inspiration for your fabric choices: solids prints You may add one additional fabric of your choice for the challenge. Background fabric will be considered an additional fabric. Using the modern aesthetic sew a block(or a quilt) with the colors you have picked. The block may be any size or shape you desire. The paint chip challenge will be due at the January guild meeting. Be sure to have your paint chips with you as well as the block or show and tell.
Author Archives: Admin
December Meeting Reminder
Date: Monday, December 9th Time: 6pm to 8pm (VIC open at 5:45pm) Location : Ventura Improv Company (directions) Happy December! This meeting will be filled with food, fun and fabric!! 🙂 We are so excited that our December meeting/holiday party is this coming Monday! Hopefully you read the email we sent out last month announcingContinue reading “December Meeting Reminder”
Alissa Haight Carlton on Sewing With Nancy!!
A fantastic interview with MQG’s Alissa Haight Carlton on Sewing with Nancy is a must see for all VMQG members!! Watch it here. Just press play to watch it. For every VMQG member who watches the video I personally will donate $1 to Wisconsin Public Television. After watching the video, either leave a comment onContinue reading “Alissa Haight Carlton on Sewing With Nancy!!”
Astronomical Block Challenge
As promised, here is the blog post regarding the Astronomical Block Challenge, that I originally posted November 16, 2013. 4/29/14 Update : Our vice president Scott offered to bundle up and mail all our VMQG members’ blocks that are turned in to him by our July meeting. Here is the original post: You are invitedContinue reading “Astronomical Block Challenge”
November Block Challenge
We had a fantastic November meeting. VMQG member and Associate Professor of Art at CSUCI, Liz King introduced us to a really cool app named Kuler. Once you go to the site, you can upload a photo (after clicking the camera icon on the upper right side of the page). If you click on theContinue reading “November Block Challenge”
November Board Meeting
Our November Board Meeting will be held Tuesday, November 19th, 6pm at superbuzzy. At this meeting we will focus on general planning. Our board meetings are always open to VMQG members. If you are not a board member and plan on attending please leave a comment on this post. Thank you!
November Meeting Reminder
Date: Monday, November 11th Time: 6pm to 8pm (superbuzzy open at 5pm) Location : superbuzzy (directions) This will be a jam packed meeting! In addition to our other fun activities Liz King will be our guest speaker. She is an Associate Professor of Art, specializing in Web Design, Multimedia and Graphic Design Technology at CaliforniaContinue reading “November Meeting Reminder”
Meet Your Candidates! (2014)
These are your candidates for the Ventura Modern Quilt Guild‘s 2014 executive board. Voting will take place during our November 11th, 2013 meeting. 1. Andres Rosales – President 2. Scott Griffin – Vice-President 3. Stacey Riddle – Communications Administrator 5. Maureen Timmons – Treasurer 6. Sarah Wilkinson – Secretary Here are your candidate statements: Andres Rosales: Hello, I’m Andres and I’veContinue reading “Meet Your Candidates! (2014)”
October Block Challenge
Our October block challenge is to make Flying Geese Block using the modern aesthetic. Here is a photo of two individual geese units. Or should that be two “goose” units? 🙂
October Board Meeting
Our October Board Meeting will be held Tuesday, October 29th, 6pm at superbuzzy. At this meeting we will be discussing our 2014 VMQG budget Our board meetings are always open to VMQG members. If you are not a board member and plan on attending please leave a comment on this post. Thank you!