Saturday June 21st 9am – 4pm Museum of Ventura County This Saturday is our second annual Quilt In Public Day. We will be meeting in the Plaza (the enclosed courtyard in front of the Main St. entrance) of the Museum of Ventura County which is located at 100 East Main Street, Ventura. We will beContinue reading “Ventura MQG Quilt In Public Day 2014”
Author Archives: Admin
June 2014 VMQG Block Challenge
Our June VMQG Block Challenge is our yearly Ventura County Fair Block Challenge. Make a (modern) quilt block which reflects the Ventura County Fair’s 2014 theme of A Country Fair with Ocean Air. If you plan on submitting your block to the Ventura County Fair please follow their guidelines below, if not please make your blockContinue reading “June 2014 VMQG Block Challenge”
June 2014 Board Meeting
Our June 2014 board meeting will be held Tuesday, June 24th, 6pm at Communication Administrator Stacey’s new house. Our board meetings are always open to VMQG members. If you are not a board member and plan on attending please leave a comment on this post [or email me at andres (at)] and I’ll email you the address.
June 2014 Meeting Reminder
Date: Monday, June 9th, 2014 Time: 6pm to 8pm Location: Ventura Masonic Center (directions) In addition to our other fun activities our main feature will be our rescheduled Blog Show and Tell by communications administrator Stacey. Please refer to your meeting reminder email for instructions on how to enter the building. Don’t forget to bring your Red, WhiteContinue reading “June 2014 Meeting Reminder”
May 2014 Board Meeting
Our May 2014 board meeting will be held Tuesday, May 20th, 6pm at Communication Administrator Stacey’s new house. Our board meetings are always open to VMQG members. If you are not a board member and plan on attending please leave a comment on this post [or email me at andres (at)] and I’ll email you the address.
May 2014 Meeting Reminder
Date: Monday, May 12th, 2014 Time: 6pm to 8pm Location: Ventura Masonic Center (directions) In addition to our other fun activities our main feature will be a talk about quilt judging from quilt judge Shirley Bertolino. Please refer to your meeting reminder email for instructions on how to enter the building. Don’t forget to bring your half-square triangle block. Click HERE forContinue reading “May 2014 Meeting Reminder”
April 2014 Board Meeting
Our April 2014 board meeting will be held Tuesday, April 29th, 6pm at Communication Administrator Stacey’s new house. Our board meetings are always open to VMQG members. If you are not a board member and plan on attending please leave a comment on this post [or email me at andres (at)] and I’ll email you the address.Continue reading “April 2014 Board Meeting”
April VMQG Block Challenge
April 2014 Meeting Reminder
Date: Monday, April 14th, 2014 Time: 6pm to 8pm Location: Ventura Masonic Center (directions) In addition to our other fun activities our main feature will be a Blog Show and Tell by communications administrator Stacey. Please refer to your meeting reminder email for instructions on how to enter the building. Don’t forget to bring your Right of WayContinue reading “April 2014 Meeting Reminder”
April 2014 VMQG Block Challenge
Click on the photo above to be taken to vice-president Scott’s tutorial for the VMQG April block challenge!