Date: Monday, October 13th, 2014 Time: 6pm to 8pm Location: Ventura Masonic Center (directions) Please refer to your meeting reminder email for instructions on how to enter the building. In addition to our other fun activities our main feature will be our VMQG member Table Top Sale. We still have tables to ‘rent’. They’re onlyContinue reading “October 2014 Meeting Reminder”
Author Archives: Admin
September Board Meeting -Change of Venue-
The venue for our September board meeting has changed: Our board meeting will be held Tuesday, September 23rd (no change to the date or time), 6pm at Marie Callender’s Restaurant at 1295 Victoria Ave in the ‘Library’ room.
Name Our Opportunity Quilt
Leave a comment on this post with your name choice for our VMQG 2014 opportunity quilt.
September Board Meeting
Our September 2014 board meeting will be held Tuesday, September 23rd, 6pm at Communication Administrator Stacey’s house. The main focus of this board meeting is the VMQG 2015 budget. Our board meetings are always open to VMQG members. If you are not a board member and plan on attending please leave a comment on this postContinue reading “September Board Meeting”
September 2014 Meeting Reminder
Date: Monday, September 8th, 2014 Time: 6pm to 8pm Location: Ventura Masonic Center (directions) In addition to our other fun activities our main feature will be our VMQG member Quilt College. Please refer to your meeting reminder email for instructions on how to enter the building. Don’t forget to bring your ‘block challenge’ pin cushion. Bring yourContinue reading “September 2014 Meeting Reminder”
August Board Meeting
Our August 2014 board meeting will be held Tuesday, August 26th, 6pm at Communication Administrator Stacey’s house. Our board meetings are always open to VMQG members. If you are not a board member and plan on attending please leave a comment on this post [or email me at andres (at)] and I’ll email you the address.
September Scrap Swap
We will be holding our 2nd annual Scrap Swap at our September 8th meeting. This is open to all guild members. RULES: If you wish to take part please bring a bag of scraps to the September meeting. Participants should bring enough scraps to fill a shoe box. The smallest sized scrap should be no smallerContinue reading “September Scrap Swap”
August 2014 Meeting Reminder
Date: Monday, August 11th, 2014 Time: 6pm to 8pm Location: Ventura Masonic Center (directions) In addition to our other fun activities our main feature will be our VMQG member trunk show. Please refer to your meeting reminder email for instructions on how to enter the building. Don’t forget to bring your philanthropy Disappearing Nine Patch challenge blocks. Click HERE for details.Continue reading “August 2014 Meeting Reminder”
July 2014 Board Meeting
Our July 2014 board meeting will be held Tuesday, July 29th, 6pm at Communication Administrator Stacey’s new house. Our board meetings are always open to VMQG members. If you are not a board member and plan on attending please leave a comment on this post [or email me at andres (at)] and I’ll emailContinue reading “July 2014 Board Meeting”
July 2014 Meeting Reminder
Date: Monday, July 14th, 2014 Time: 6pm to 8pm Location: Ventura Masonic Center (directions) In addition to our other fun activities our main feature(s) will be our MQG Michael Miller Fabric Challenge / Ventura County Fair entries show-and-tell. Bring in your Michael Miller fabric challenge projects and your Ventura County Fair quilt entries to show. Please refer to your meeting reminder emailContinue reading “July 2014 Meeting Reminder”