December Meeting (December 10, 2012)

Date:   Monday, December 10th Time:   6pm to 8pm (superbuzzy open at 5pm) Location :  superbuzzy  (directions) The first half of our December meeting will be devoted to VMQG Executive board elections. The second part of our meeting will be our holiday party potluck! Don’t forget to bring your dish. We don’t have a block challengeContinue reading “December Meeting (December 10, 2012)”

two quick links

Two quick links: Visit Your Local Quilt Shop Day is January 24th, 2013 and Worldwide Quilting Day is March 16th, 2013. Click on the button above for more information. Click on the button above to take the 2012 GenQ Addicted Stitcher Survey. Five survey-takers will each receive a box of fabric, books and small stitchy goodies valued atContinue reading “two quick links”

Modern Quilting: DIY Discourse

Check out this thesis about modern quilting: This study explores the modern quilting movement from the perspective of members of the Modern Quilt Guild (MQG), a new guild that includes both online and in-person elements. Twenty-six members of seven MQG’s across the United States were interviewed. The interviews focused on the factors that draw participantsContinue reading “Modern Quilting: DIY Discourse”

Name tag ‘block challenge’

Here are some links for inspiration/help for our January name tag challenge. Your challenge is to create a quilted name tag. Feel free to use any technique for your name tag from piecing to appliqué to embroidery. There is no size limit or shape constraint, so use your creativity to create something that showcases your style asContinue reading “Name tag ‘block challenge’”

November Meeting (November 12, 2012)

Date:   Monday, November 12th Time:   6pm to 8pm (superbuzzy open at 5pm) Location :  superbuzzy  (directions) In addition to our regular line up we will be discussing our upcoming elections and our by-laws. Members: please read through the copy of the proposed by-laws that you received with your meeting reminder email. Come to the meetingContinue reading “November Meeting (November 12, 2012)”

Postscript: Alissa Haight Carlton’s visit

I hope everyone enjoyed Alissa Haight Carlton’s presentation as much as I did. During her presentation Alissa mentioned some of the guests that have spoken at the Los Angeles Modern Quilt Guild. Since not everyone knew who they were I’ve provided a list with links to their blogs so you can learn more about them. DenyseContinue reading “Postscript: Alissa Haight Carlton’s visit”