Chicago MQG Member Jacquie Gering on The Quilt Show!

For a limited time, The Quilt Show is offering free viewing of a recent segment featuring author (Quilting Modern:  Techniques and Projects for Improvisational Quilts) and Chicago MQG member Jacquie Gering! The free download for the segment expires either January 27th or February 11th (conflicting information), so hop on over asap! I really enjoyed Jacquie’sContinue reading “Chicago MQG Member Jacquie Gering on The Quilt Show!”

February 2013 Block Challenge

Hello Everyone! We had a great meeting, January 14th!  It was wonderful to see everyone, meet new guests and new members! Our February Block Challenge is to make a napkin! Yes, a napkin. 🙂  A napkin of the modern esthetic, naturally.  We thought that in an effort to reduce our impact on the environment, itContinue reading “February 2013 Block Challenge”

Announcing our January Board Meeting

Hi Everyone! Our January Board Meeting  will be held Monday, January 21st, at a new location, Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf.  Our board meetings are always open to VMQG members. We will be meeting in the conference room and will begin at 6pm. Click here to access a map of the Main Street location of CoffeeContinue reading “Announcing our January Board Meeting”

January Meeting (January 14, 2013)

Date:   Monday, January 14th Time:   6pm to 8pm (superbuzzy open at 5pm) Location :  superbuzzy  (directions) In addition to our regular line up we will be having a special UFO resolutions show and tell. Don’t forget your name tag for our January challenge. The name tag should follow the modern quilting aesthetic. Your yearly dues forContinue reading “January Meeting (January 14, 2013)”