regular time – 6:00PM on 2nd Monday of the month regular place – Ventura Masonic Lodge at 482 E Santa Clara St. keycode for door same as before. see email at bottom of post to contact if assistance needed. Bring your 2020 membership dues, $50 for whole year of meetings, challenges, motivation, inspiration, skill building,Continue reading “VMQG General Meeting January 13, 2020”
Author Archives: Admin
July 9, 2018 Meeting
Meeting at 6:00-8:00 pm, July 9, 2018, 482 E Santa Clara, Ventura Door Code: Contact a member to let you in. Don’t give the number out to non-members, please. What’s happening: Program: Quilter’s Picnic! And a BIG surprise for the raffle drawing–you don’t want to miss this one Thomas Fire Quilt Project update Challenge forContinue reading “July 9, 2018 Meeting”
June 11, 2018 Meeting
Meeting at 6:00-8:00 pm, June 11, 2018, 482 E Santa Clara, Ventura Door Code: Contact a member to let you in. Don’t give the number out to non-members, please. What’s happening: Program: Pat Masterson: Quilt Show Judging Thomas Fire Quilt Project update Challenge for June: Scrap Swap Fat Quarter Game:Polka dots Refreshments: Once again, it appearsContinue reading “June 11, 2018 Meeting”
December Board Meeting
Our December 2014 board meeting will be held Tuesday, December 16th, 6pm at Communication Administrator Stacey’s house. The board meeting will be held at Baja Fresh at 4726 Telephone Road in Ventura. Same date and time as originally planned. All attendees must purchase a food item (sorry). Our board meetings are always open to VMQG members. IfContinue reading “December Board Meeting”
December 2014 Meeting Reminder
Date: Monday, December 8th, 2014 Time: 6pm to 8pm Location: Ventura Masonic Center (directions) Please refer to your meeting reminder email for instructions on how to enter the building. December 8th is our holiday party meeting. I’m keeping the ‘business’ part to a minimum so we can eat, drink, and chat. We will, of course,Continue reading “December 2014 Meeting Reminder”
November VMQG Small Quilt Crayon Challenge
Hey all, here are the guidelines for the November Small Quilt Crayon Challenge: 1. Each participant will draw two crayons from a bag. Those colors and their various shades will be the only colors allowed for your fabrics. 2. The theme is the maker’s choice. Please have the modern aesthetic reflected in the design of yourContinue reading “November VMQG Small Quilt Crayon Challenge”
November Board Meeting
Our November 2014 board meeting will be held Tuesday, November 18th, 6pm at Communication Administrator Stacey’s house. Our board meetings are always open to VMQG members. If you are not a board member and plan on attending please leave a comment on this post [or email me at andres (at)] and I’ll email you theContinue reading “November Board Meeting”
November 2014 Meeting Reminder
Date: Monday, November 10th, 2014 Time: 6pm to 8pm Location: Ventura Masonic Center (directions) Please refer to your meeting reminder email for instructions on how to enter the building. In addition to our other fun activities our main feature will be our VMQG member Scrap Swap Show & Tell. Bring your completed projects to the meeting,Continue reading “November 2014 Meeting Reminder”
October Board Meeting
Our October 2014 board meeting will be held October 28th, 6pm at at Communication Administrator Stacey’s house. Our board meetings are always open to VMQG members. If you are not a board member and plan on attending please leave a comment on this post [or email me at andres (at)] and I’ll email you the address.
‘free’ Table Top Sale for October
A member who signed up for our October Table Top Sale will not be able to attend the meeting. If you’d like to use this member’s pre-paid table for free please post a comment on this post. First-come, first served. -Andres