December 2014 Meeting Reminder

Date: Monday, December 8th, 2014 Time: 6pm to 8pm Location: Ventura Masonic Center (directions) Please refer to your meeting reminder email for instructions on how to enter the building. December 8th is our holiday party meeting. I’m keeping the ‘business’ part to a minimum so we can eat, drink, and chat. We will, of course,Continue reading “December 2014 Meeting Reminder”

November VMQG Small Quilt Crayon Challenge

Hey all, here are the guidelines for the November Small Quilt Crayon Challenge: 1.  Each participant will draw two crayons from a bag. Those colors and their various shades will be the only colors allowed for your fabrics.  2.  The theme is the maker’s choice. Please have the modern aesthetic reflected in the design of yourContinue reading “November VMQG Small Quilt Crayon Challenge”

November 2014 Meeting Reminder

Date: Monday, November 10th, 2014 Time: 6pm to 8pm Location: Ventura Masonic Center (directions) Please refer to your meeting reminder email for instructions on how to enter the building. In addition to our other fun activities our main feature will be our VMQG member Scrap Swap Show & Tell. Bring your completed projects to the meeting,Continue reading “November 2014 Meeting Reminder”