Board Meeting – November 2015 Date: Tuesday, November 3, 2015 Time: 6:30pm Location: Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, 4360 East Main Street, Ventura (map) RSVP: Please RSVP to Georganna with your topic. Ventura MQG Members may attend. Due to time constraints, only items on the agenda will be discussed.
Author Archives: Stacey
Member Meeting – Monday, October 12, 2015
September Ventura MQG Member Meeting Date: Monday, October 12, 2015 Time: 6pm to 8pm Location: Ventura Masonic Center, 482 E. Santa Clara St., Ventura (map) Building Entry: Refer to your email for the code for the front door. Challenge: Face Your Fears! Create a quilt square in the modern aesthetic all about something you’re afraid of. ItContinue reading “Member Meeting – Monday, October 12, 2015”
Member Meeting – Monday, September 14, 2015
September Ventura MQG Member Meeting Date: Monday, September 14, 2015 Time: 6pm to 8pm Location: Ventura Masonic Center, 482 E. Santa Clara St., Ventura (map) Building Entry: Refer to your email for the code for the front door. Opportunity Quilt- A grand total of $1293 was collected from Opportunity Quilt ticket sales! Jeanne Snodgrass of Little Rock,Continue reading “Member Meeting – Monday, September 14, 2015”
Board Meeting – September 1, 2015
Board Meeting – September 2015 Date: Tuesday, September 1, 2015 Time: 6:30pm Location: Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, 4360 East Main Street, Ventura (map) RSVP: Please RSVP to Georganna with your topic. Ventura MQG Members may attend. Due to time constraints, ONLY items on the agenda will be discussed.
Magic Triangles – from Scott
Information reprinted with permission from Scott G’s Kept in Stitches blog. Go to Scott’s blog for lots of other interesting quilt-related stuff! And see more tutorial from our members on our Tutorials page. Supplies Eight 10″ squares of two different colors (total 16 squares.) High contrast is key to making this block work. Step 1: OnContinue reading “Magic Triangles – from Scott”
We have a winner – 2015 Opportunity Quilt!
Congrats to the 2015 Opportunity Quilt winner Jeanne Snodgrass, who lives in Little Rock, CA. She bought $5 in tickets at superbuzzy during the Central Coast Shop Tour in May. The drawing was held at the Ventura MQG’s regular Member Meeting on August 10, 2015. Ventura MQG’s Patrice (left) stands in front of the OpportunityContinue reading “We have a winner – 2015 Opportunity Quilt!”
Member Meeting – Monday, August 10, 2015
August Ventura MQG Member Meeting Date: Monday, August 10, 2015 Time: 6pm to 8pm Location: Ventura Masonic Center, 482 E. Santa Clara St., Ventura (map) Building Entry: Refer to your email for the code for the front door. Opportunity Quilt: IT’S TIME FOR THE DRAWING! Bring all your tickets and cash from sales to the meeting — we’llContinue reading “Member Meeting – Monday, August 10, 2015”
Challenge for August Meeting – Architecture
Bring your quilt block for show and tell at our next Member meeting on August 10! This month’s challenge is all about your imagination! Make a block inspired by architecture. That’s the whole structure or an interesting feature-tile floor, carved door or interesting shaped window perhaps. Let your eye roam and your fabric fly! Those ofContinue reading “Challenge for August Meeting – Architecture”
Board Meeting – July 28, 2015
SPECIAL DATE Date: Tuesday, July 28, 2015 Time: 6:30pm Location: Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, 4360 East Main Street, Ventura (map) RSVP: Please RSVP with your topic, below Ventura MQG Members may attend. Due to time constraints, ONLY items on the agenda will be discussed.
Members Meeting – Monday, July 13, 2015
Date: Monday, July 13 Time: 6pm to 8pm Location: Ventura Masonic Center, 482 E. Santa Clara St., Ventura (map) Building Entry: Refer to your email for the code. RSVP: None needed Challenge Show and Tell – It’s all about the Ventura County Fair! Bring any or all of the following: a modern quilted piece that you planContinue reading “Members Meeting – Monday, July 13, 2015”