Join the Camarillo Quilters on a trip to the Palm Springs QuiltFest – October 8

Exciting Opportunity! We have mentioned the QuiltFest Oasis in Palm Springs, October 6-8 several times, and described how the show is featuring modern quilts this year. But it’s a bit far for most of us to drive. Now we have the opportunity to team up with Camarillo Quilters on their bus trip to the show on Saturday, OctoberContinue reading “Join the Camarillo Quilters on a trip to the Palm Springs QuiltFest – October 8”

2016-17 Opportunity Quilt: Wonkstellation

2016-2017 Opportunity Quilt “Wonkstellation” 2016-17 Ventura Modern Quilt Guild Opportunity Quilt 75″ x 90.5″ This quilt grew from a Guild Challenge – create a Modern Sawtooth star, using an assigned print combined with Kona solids, as well as Kona White and Silver as background. Many Ventura MQG members helped to design, build, quilt and finishContinue reading “2016-17 Opportunity Quilt: Wonkstellation”

September 2016 Member Meeting Details

SEPTEMBER MEMBERS MEETING Date: Monday, September 12, 2016 Time: 6:00 – 8:00pm Location: Ventura Masonic Center, 482 E. Santa Clara St., Ventura [map] Building entry: Refer to your email for the front door code Meeting: Bring your project from the Improv Quilting Challenge from Becky H: Using solid colors, 100% cotton and an improvisational approach to piecingContinue reading “September 2016 Member Meeting Details”

September 2016 Meeting Reminders

BOARD MEETING – NOTE SPECIAL TIME Date: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 Time: 6:00 – 8:00pm (1/2 hour early – this month only) Location: The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, 4360 East Main Street, Ventura [map] RSVP: Please RSVP to with your agenda item All Members are invited to attend, but please RSVP to Patrice. Only items that have been submittedContinue reading “September 2016 Meeting Reminders”

Improvisational Quilting – from Becky H

See more writing, art and quilts at Denyse Schmidt Quilts More about the Junk Quilt More about the Science Quilt Ventura Improv Company website Lots of interesting discussion about improv quilting: African American Quilts Creativity and Improvisations African American Quilting Traditions African American Quilting: A Long Rich Heritage   Gee’s Bend Anna Williams SherryContinue reading “Improvisational Quilting – from Becky H”

August 2016 Meetings – PLEASE NOTE SPECIAL DATE

Ventura MQG Board Meeting Special Date and Time: Thursday, August 4, 2016 Time: 6-8pm Regular Location: The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, 4360 East Main Street, Ventura RSVP: Please RSVP to with your agenda item All Members are invited to attend, but please RSVP to Patrice. Only items that have been submitted to Patrice forContinue reading “August 2016 Meetings – PLEASE NOTE SPECIAL DATE”

Calling all volunteers – Road to California

From Road to California: Calling all Volunteers! If you didn’t get all your desired classes please consider volunteering your time to qualify for priority registration. Priority registration is the opportunity to register for all your classes up to 2 weeks prior to the opening of public registration. There are plenty of opportunities to volunteer andContinue reading “Calling all volunteers – Road to California”