December 2016 Board and Guild Meetings Reminder

 VENTURA MQG BOARD MEETING Date: Tuesday, December 6 Time: 6:30pm Location: Patrice’s home. Please email for address. Snack Detail: Sandy H and Annie O are bringing snacks. This is a 2016-2017 Boards joint meeting. There are many details to discuss! All members are welcome to attend any Board meeting, but you MUST email Patrice to RSVPContinue reading “December 2016 Board and Guild Meetings Reminder”

Wednesday, October 19 – Philanthropy Sew-In

Date: Wednesday, October 19 Time: 6:00 – 9:00pm Location: Ventura Masonic Center, 482 E. Santa Clara St., Ventura [map] Building entry: Punch in the code 214 on the keypad to right of entry door Join us at our regular meeting hall, the Masonic Center in Ventura, for an evening of philanthropy sewing and preparing kits.Continue reading “Wednesday, October 19 – Philanthropy Sew-In”

October 2016 Meeting Reminders

VENTURA MQG BOARD MEETING Date: Tuesday, October 4, 2016 Time: 6:30-8:30pm Location: The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, 4360 East Main Street, Ventura [map] RSVP: Please RSVP to with your agenda item All Members are invited to attend, but please RSVP to Patrice. Only items that have been submitted to Patrice for the agenda will be discussed. OCTOBER VENTURA MQGContinue reading “October 2016 Meeting Reminders”

Oxnard Steampunk Fest Quilt Challenge 2016 – Deadline Extended

Deadline is now October 3! A Steampunk Quilt Challenge for quilters and all sewists, be they serious or whimsical.  The theme for the Challenge is “Steampunk Corsets.”  Challenge Quilts can be any size or shape, but must be no larger than 12” x 15” and must depict a corset.  A basic corset shape pattern isContinue reading “Oxnard Steampunk Fest Quilt Challenge 2016 – Deadline Extended”