Yay! Nay! Date: Tuesday, February 3, 2015 Time: 6:30pm Location: Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, 4360 East Main Street, Ventura (map) RSVP: Send an email to Georganna – president [at] venturamodernquiltguild [dot] com or comment on this post All VMQG Members are welcome to attend – Please RSVP to Georganna’s email address, above, or leave a comment, below.
Author Archives: Stacey
QuiltCon is coming — every year
Breaking news from the Modern Quilt Guild: QuiltCon is moving to EVERY YEAR! Not only that, it’s going on the move! On the even years, like 2016, QuiltCon will take place in the West. On the odd years, like 2017, QuiltCon will take place in the East. QuiltCon West February 18-22, 2016 Pasadena, CA quiltconwest.comContinue reading “QuiltCon is coming — every year”
Upcoming MQG Webinar
Choosing Fabric For a Quilt: Thoughts, Suggestions, and General Inspiration Presented by Elizabeth Hartman January 27, 2015 5pm PST For Modern Quilt Guild Members only TO REGISTER: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/regist…/6136128467834618882 I love fabric and I love finding new and interesting ways to combine it in patchwork. In this webinar, I’ll talk about what leads me to choose certainContinue reading “Upcoming MQG Webinar”
Welcome to the Ventura Modern Quilt Guild
Welcome! The Ventura Modern Quilt Guild (VMQG) is creating a place for modern quilters to connect and create. The Ventura Modern Quilt Guild was founded in January 2012 and is a branch guild of The Modern Quilt Guild.
VMQG Member’s Meeting – Monday January 12, 6pm
First meeting of 2015. Welcome back! Ventura Modern Quilt Guild Member Meeting Monday, January 12, 6-8pm Ventura Masonic Center, 482 East Santa Clara Street, Ventura Cross street: California | Map We’re showing off our completed UFOs and Ugly Fabric Blocks from our December challenge. Also, bring your Show and Tell quilt items! Membership dues: If youContinue reading “VMQG Member’s Meeting – Monday January 12, 6pm”
January 2015 Board Meeting
I’m sure you are all very excited about our first VMQG Board meeting of 2015! Date: Wednesday, January 7 Time: 6:30pm Location: Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, 4360 East Main Street, Ventura (map) RSVP: Send an email to Georganna – president [at] venturamodernquiltguild [dot] com or comment on this post All VMQG Members are welcome to attend – Please RSVPContinue reading “January 2015 Board Meeting”