About Us

Ventura Modern Quilt Guild seeks to create a vibrant community of Modern Quilters who are interested in exploring new possibilities and expanding their horizons. This is a place where you can find encouragement and inspiration for your creative journey with fabric. Founded in January 2012, VMQG is a branch guild of The Modern Quilt Guild. We offerContinue reading “About Us”

November 12, 2018 General Meeting

Meeting at 6:00-8:00 pm, November 12, 2018, 482 E Santa Clara, Ventura Door Code: Contact a member to let you in. Don’t give the number out to non-members, please. What’s happening: 2019 Board Election: We will have the election first. Still some Committee Chair positions available. Program: Members’ Table Top Sale! Members rent a table ($10)Continue reading “November 12, 2018 General Meeting”