September 10, 2018 Meeting

Meeting at 6:00-8:00 pm, September 10, 2018, 482 E Santa Clara, Ventura Door Code: Contact a member to let you in. Don’t give the number out to non-members, please. What’s happening: Program: Judy Hunt will review her participation Carolyn Friedlander’s Mini-Quilt-Along exploring monochromatic, two tone and accent experiments. Judy will show us that monochromatic isContinue reading “September 10, 2018 Meeting”

Thomas Fire Blocks

  June 1, 2018 The block pattern is for project history only. We are no longer accepting fabric, blocks, or tops for this project. We continue to accept FINISHED quilts only for immediate distribution.  Thanks for all your efforts! December 11, 2017 Dear Quilting Friends, Scott Griffin, VP of Ventura Modern Quilt Guild redesigned theContinue reading “Thomas Fire Blocks”