Row Robin Reveal took place on July 11, 2016!
Click photo below to see full album:

[direct link to photo album]
Thank you to Gladys R, organizer of the Row Robin!
Start Date: February 8
1st Rotation – March 14
2nd Rotation – April 11th
3rd Rotation – May 9th
QUILT REVEAL: July 11 (moved from June)
Download the PDF
These Guidelines are just that…a guide! Please use 100% quilt-shop-quality cotton fabric. If you are a pre-washer, please include that information on your preference sheet. General Information
- Prepare a non-transparent box or bag for the project to travel through the rotations — include your name and phone/email address inside.
- Place your completed ROW in the bag or box, along with a journal (if desired), fabrics used in the center block, and any other fabrics you would like used in the quilt. Enough fabric is very important! A rough guideline is at least a half yard per round, so 2 yards assorted fabrics is a bare MINIMUM. Remember, we will be using at the fabrics you have included to design and sew additional rows, so the more fabric selection, the more choices and design options!
- If you have strong likes or dislikes you would like other quilters to note, please write these in your journal or preferences sheet to be included with your quilt.
- Put the size or shape you would like it to end up on your preference sheet. These are guidelines, not guarantees!
Items for Your Box
- Completed ROW
- Additional fabrics
- Journal (optional)
- Preferences sheet
- Quilt Label for Signatures of the Quilters
- Each month you will be getting a new Row from person “A”, and giving to person “B,” the same quilters every month. The “hand-off” sequence will be drawn randomly at the March 2016 meeting.
- If something does happen, and you can’t get to it, it is YOUR responsibility to get rows to/from the meetings in a timely manner. This is the “main rule”- if you do not finish your row and return it in time, your own quilt will be returned to you, and you cannot participate further. I’ve never had it happen, and I’ve participated in 9 or 10 Round Robins…however, the policy has to be in place.
- If you are really in doubt about a color choice, you can contact the owner, however no photos, please! In-process photos can be shared after the reveal.
- Bring your Row Robin Box to every Ventura MQG meeting!
- If you have a problem, call or email Gladys (805)524-7734 /
- Treat each round as if it were your own! You are working on someone else’s quilt, so be sure to use your very best workmanship. Sometimes we bite off more than we can chew…no worries. If you add a row, and it does not lay flat, or looks awful…well, take it out and do something less complex that looks better. Also, there are many quilters in our guild who would be happy to help with advice on a tricky bit of stitchery; give them a jingle!
- Add a ROW using fabric supplied with original row, or add fabrics from your own stash, depending on the owner’s preference sheet, ….the only limit is your imagination! Whatever looks good and follows the Modern Aesthetic. If you do choose to add fabrics from your own stash, send some along with the quilt to the next person (this saves a lot of running to shops trying to find it).
Modern Row Robin Quilt Inspiration

Rainbow Rows Quilt – Little Miss Shabby

Modern Row Quilt – Piece N Quilt

Modern Row Robin Quilt-Along – Quilting Linda

Modern Row Quilt Round Robin – No source found
Useful links and books: