The Modern Quilt Guild is looking for 12 pattern designers to create an original modern block or quilt pattern. These patterns will be made available to MQG members free of charge! The MQG will be offering payment for the patterns, and all members of the Modern Quilt Guild are invited to submit a design. Please note that you as the designer will retain all rights. The MQG is looking for this to begin January 2014 as a fantastic benefit for it’s members. Interested in submitting a design? Contact Kelly to coordinate the details!
September Board Meeting
Our September Board Meeting will be held Tuesday, September 17th, 6pm at superbuzzy.
Our board meetings are always open to VMQG members.
If you are not a board member and plan on attending please leave a comment on this post.
Thank you!
September Meeting Reminder
Date: Monday, September 9th
Time: 6pm to 8pm (superbuzzy open at 5pm)
Location : superbuzzy (directions)
In addition to our other fun activities Sarah Wilkinson will be our guest speaker. She will be demoing Julie Herman’s “HexNMore Ruler“.
Don’t forget your challenge blocks! The challenge was to make a “Modified Bento Box” block using the instructions in this post.
During this meeting we will be holding our first-ever “Scrap Swap”! Please see this post for all the details. (Note that we have rescheduled the “done” date to make it easier for more members to participate.)
Gerv, our wonderful scissors (and more) sharpener will be at our meeting Monday night. Don’t forget to bring your dull scissors, etc. to have them sharpened during the meeting! See your email meeting reminder for all the details.
We want to give a big “Thank You!” to CarolAnn and Andres for bring snacks to our September meeting.
Vice-President Rob will be holding a raffle during the meeting. Tickets are two ($2.00) dollars each or 3 for five ($5.00) dollars.
Please RSVP by leaving a comment. We might be short on chairs for this meeting. If you can bring your own portable chair it would be greatly appreciated!
Please do not take food or beverages outside of our actual meeting room into any area of superbuzzy which contains fabric!!
Dues are $50 per year. Your first regular meeting is free. If you want to come back but aren’t ready to join, a nominal fee of $5 will be charged. Then, you have to join. If you join between January and June then your dues will be due again in January. If you join between July and December, your dues will be due again in July.
September Scrap Swap!!
We have a super activity planned for our September 9th meeting. A Scrap Swap!!
This is open to all guild members. In case you want to join in, here are the rules:
- All you need to do is to bring a bag of scraps to the September meeting. How many scraps you ask? Enough to fill a shoe box will be adequate. The smallest sized scrap should be no smaller than a 2.5 inch swatch.
- The participants will be paired up. Each will be given their partner’s bag of scraps.
- You will make an item in the modern aesthetic for your partner using their scraps. One additional fabric of your choosing may be added to the scraps.
You will bring your completed project to the November meeting. After we see them all during Show and Tell you will exchange your completed project with your partner also returning to them any unused scraps.
It sounds like fun to me!! If you have any questions, please post them in the comments section.
August Block Challenge – Modified Bento Box
Our block challenge for September is to make a modified Bento Box block using this great tutorial from Film in the Fridge and the color palette in the photo below. We are donating our finished blocks to our philanthropy committee. Our blocks will be sewn into one or more quilt tops. Use the comment section of this post to ask any questions.
Please read the following notes before beginning your block as some of our requirements differ with the tutorial:
1. We are using fabrics in the color palette below. This will keep the blocks gender neutral.
2. Please keep in mind the modern aesthetic when selecting your fabrics.
3. The block requires 5 different fabrics. (Please read below the photo for the update.)***
4. Georganna recommended not placing two solids next to each other.
5. Your block should finish 16 inches square
6. Do not cut apart your block into quarters.

***Update: It has been brought to our attention that the block actually uses 5 different fabrics, not just the 4 shown here!! Thanks Judy!! 🙂
We have decided to add GREEN to the color palette shown above. So pick a happy, cheerful green that goes with your focus fabric.
August Board Meeting
Our August Board Meeting will be held Wednesday, August 21st, 6pm at superbuzzy.
Our board meetings are always open to VMQG members.
If you are not a board member and plan on attending please leave a comment on this post.
Thank you!
Fourth Annual Action Kivu Fundraiser!
Alissa Haight Carlton, the president of the Modern Quilt Guild, posted on her site about a wonderful nonprofit that helps women who are victims of the conflict in Eastern Congo by teaching them to sew at a sewing workshop. Action Kivu is run by Alissa’s twin sister, Cate. Alissa is currently running a fundraiser on her site. The fundraiser runs through Monday the 19th of August at midnight PST. Click here to check it out. If you donate not only will you be helping out a great cause, a great cause that involves sewing, you’ll also be in the running for some great prizes.
August Meeting Reminder
Date: Monday, August 12th
Time: 6pm to 8pm (superbuzzy open at 5pm)
Location : superbuzzy (directions)
In addition to our other fun activities Georganna Hawley will be our guest speaker. The topic of her presentation is Preparing Your Quilt for Long Arm Quilting.
Don’t forget your block for our August challenge which was to make a pixel art block in the modern quilting aesthetic. If you have any questions see this post.
We want to give a big “Thank You!” to our hospitality committee for arranging snacks for our August meeting.
Vice-President Rob will be holding a raffle during the August meeting. Tickets are two ($2.00) dollars each or 3 for five ($5.00) dollars.
Please RSVP by leaving a comment. We might be short on chairs for this meeting. If you can bring your own portable chair it would be greatly appreciated!
Please do not take food or beverages outside of our actual meeting room into any area of superbuzzy which contains fabric!!
Dues are $50 per year. Your first regular meeting is free. If you want to come back but aren’t ready to join, a nominal fee of $5 will be charged. Then, you have to join. If you join between January and June then your dues will be due again in January. If you join between July and December, your dues will be due again in July.
July Block Challenge: Pixels
Hi Everyone! Our block challenge for July is to create a modern style block that is inspired by pixel art. Your pixel block may be any dimension. Have a look at the images below for inspiration.
If you would like to learn more about pixel quilts and how to construct them, check out the following resources.”Pixel Play” is a wonderful book by Emily Cier that teaches you how to create quilts that look like pixelated images and scenes. You may also want to visit Angela Walter’s blog post where she gives a brief summary and glimpse of “Pixel Play.”
July Meeting Reminder
Date: Monday, July 8th
Time: 6pm to 8pm (superbuzzy open at 5pm)
Location : superbuzzy (directions)
In addition to our other fun activities we will be discussing and formally voting on the amendments to our bylaws, the majority of which are requirements for joining the national Modern Quilt Guild organization. If you no longer have Andres’ email with the link to these proposed amendments, please mention that in your RSVP comment to this post. We will email you another copy.
Please RSVP by leaving a comment.We might be short on chairs for this meeting. If you can bring your own portable chair it would be greatly appreciated!
Please do not take food or beverages outside of our actual meeting room into any area of superbuzzy which contains fabric!!
Dues are $50 per year. Your first regular meeting is free. If you want to come back but, aren’t ready to join, a nominal fee of $5 will be charged. Then, you have to join. If you join between January and June then your dues will be due again in January. If you join between July and December, your dues will be due again in July.