All meetings are the 2nd Monday of each month, 482 E Santa Clara St, Ventura. Get the door code from a member at the door. Visitors are very welcome!
Quilts by VMQG member Irelle Beatie
NEXT MEETING: December 9
This is the annual Holiday Party so get your celebration duds on!
FOOD: Yes please, and lots of it. All pot luck and with this crowd we are very lucky!
GAMES: Bring a MODERN fat quarter for the chaotic reading of the Night Before Christmas and fat quarter pass around….Kim will come up with more games I’m sure.
UGLY SWEATER BLOCK CHALLENGE: Lots of cute ideas online this time of year. Blocks could easily be turned into placemats because…
SENIOR NUTRITION: Loved our placemats ( we gave them 32) and Patrice says they will be happy to receive more!
ORNAMENT EXCHANGE: If you signed up for this, you’d better get them done soon!
GIFT EXCHANGE: Quilt or sewing related, please. Cost limit is $15. Bring your wrapped or bagged gift and place on the center of your table. We will each choose a gift from our table. NO stealing!
FAT QUARTER: Traditional Christmas Orange….I know, I know. Please don’t shoot the messenger…it could have been teal again….
PIZZA BOX SWAP: Nearing the end now. Boxes go back the owners in January. Maria says you have to bring the FINISHED quilt to show in February!!! She’s tough.
NOW ACCEPTING 2020 DUES: Unlike nearly everything else in your life, VMQG dues have NOT gone up! $50 is the best bargain in quilting!
HEADS UP FOR NEXT YEAR: Are you interested in a retreat? Want to join a committee to explore the options? See Scott. February 9, 10 AM to 4 PM will be a COLORWORKS class by Linda Sullivan. $65, and only 24 spaces available….sign up now!
HELP WANTED: Janna needs a co-chairperson for when she has surgery this year.

November 11
Board Elections! Kim will want to get that out of the way first, so don’t be late!
Fat Quarter November’s color is INDIGO, a color dear to the hearts of many.
Pizza Box Swap Nearly done! Bring yours in for the last swap
Challenge: Placemats. These will go to Ventura Senior Nutrition. Any design, as they will be using them throughout the year. Kim suggests size is approximately 11 X 18.
Still not done with your ornament exchange? Me either, but I’m going get on that this month!
HELP WANTED! Janna Bailey will be out for a while due to some medical issues so we need a Membership Co-Coordinator while she is gone. Step up! You will get lots of help on this one and its; the most fun job-you get to say “Hi!” to everyone.
SHOW and TELL is going to special this month. As you know this is the 10th anniversary of the Modern Quilt Guild. So, to honor this milestone, bring in your first Modern quilt……and your latest! Not still in your collection? Do your best….we just want to see your Modern journey so far!
BOM for November is posted above under the Challenges tab.
Bring your quilted items for the Auxiliary Christmas Store. This will be the last time we can collect items at a meeting! Marla Gay will be here to pick up our contributions. Let’s make it a memorable holiday season for those kids!
Quilt College at the October meeting:
Tisha showed us the 1 hour basket, Patrice gave us a tutorial on binding corners, Irelle gave a lesson on joining “quilt as you go” block joining, and Susan brought tools and techniques for hand appliqué.
October 14 Meeting
The calendar gives us all an extra week until the meeting this month….use it wisely! Extra time to get your Halloween Mug Rug done, make a few extra blocks for the Quilt Con Charity Quilt, get your Pizza Box Challenge block in order to work on your Christmas Ornament Exchange. AND the September BOM. As if that weren’t enough, we want to give quilts to the Children’s Auxiliary Christmas shop. Whew……An extra week just isn’t time enough is it?
Roster: The 2020 Board roster will be presented. Still want to throw your hat into the ring? Now will be the time to do it.
Quilt University: Tisha will demo the “1 hour basket” (but it won’t take that long! Irelle will demo Quilt as You Go joining, and Susan will demo her favorite appliqué method.
Fat Quarter is Turquoise or teal
Halloween Mug Rug Challenge This will be an exchange, so bring your mug rug in a paper bag.
Sarah and Karen need more blocks for the Quilt Con Charity Quilt
Stacey is still collecting baby quilts for Ventura Public Health and we are hoping you will get some quilts done for the Auxiliary Christmas Store. Remember, they always need items for the older kids, especially boys.
September 2019 BOM pattern is now on the Challenges and Resources tab. The month just got away from me, OK? Lucky for you it’s a pretty easy one…so no excuses! And for all you over-achievers out there, the October BOM is posted also.
Still need someone to be Quilt Mum (or Mums) for our Opportunity Quilt! Bring your $$ from sold tickets and pick up another bundle!
This just in from Linda and Carol:
Hop on board the Raffle Basket Express!
Our next destination takes us to Hawaii so don your grass hula skirts and hula your way over to our table. Aloha!
Included but not limited to the following offers:UFO baskets. What could be easier for all of you? Someone already purchased the fabric, pieced it, sewed it and now it’s all yours for the final act.
Maybe an autumn basket, too? No more clues, folks.
Some of you may have noticed photos have been added to a number of pages. We are also working on a page for defining Modern Quilting design criteria using member’s creations. If you have a MODERN quilt you would like to have included, please send a good photo, or just bring it to the meeting and we will take a quick snap.
September 9 Meeting
Jennifer Anderson from Sewing Machine Warehouse will give us a tutorial on machine maintenance and troubleshooting. She has been here before and she gives a fun and interesting talk.
FQ for September is Black
September BOM will soon be up on the Challenges tab also.
September Challenge is to make something quilty inspired by your summer travels.
Quilt Con 2020 Charity Quilt info on its own tab above.
Our 2019-2020 Opportunity Quilt, Edgy is now ready to greet the world! Tickets will be available for sale starting at the August meeting: $1 each or 6 for $5. Buy some as gifts for friends and relatives-think how happy they would be to win!
By the way, we still need a Quilt Mum(s). You’d get to take it to visit other guilds, shows and just about anywhere we can show it off. Quilt Mums usually get much of the credit for the amazing, beautiful Edgy……think about it.
Board Position nominations are due this meeting. Want to participate in your guild or know of someone you think would be an asset? Please come prepared to nominate!
As always, bring Show and Tell and goodies to eat. We are all about the consumption of goodies….
Don’t forget your pizza box swap!
August 12 Meeting
Giucy Giuce will do a trunk show at the general meeting immediately after the Workshop.
FQ for July is GREEN
August BOM is now up on the Challenges tab also.
Quilt Con 2020 Charity Quilt info on its own tab above.
Our 2019-2020 Opportunity Quilt, Edgy is now ready to greet the world! Tickets will be available for sale starting at the August meeting: $1 each or 6 for $5. Buy some as gifts for friends and relatives-think how happy they would be to win!
By the way, we still need a Quilt Mum(s). You’d get to take it to visit other guilds, shows and just about anywhere we can show it off. Quilt Mums usually get much of the credit for the amazing, beautiful Edgy……think about it.
The drawing for the Grand Prize basket from the Progressive Brunch and Studio Tour was held last month. Congratulations Barbara Lewis!
As always, bring Show and Tell (and those ribbons from the Fair!), and goodies to eat. We are all about the eating of goodies….
Don’t forget your pizza box swap!
New Summer Event!
We are hosting Modern Quilting sensation Giucy Giuseppe on August 12. His Tiny Piecing Workshop will be 12-5, then his trunk show at the meeting at 6 PM. All four of these AMAZING patterns included in the workshop! Non-members welcome. Space is limited, so contact NOW to reserve your spot.

Some of the beautiful creations that were made during the Jean Impey workshop
What’s Happening in July? A Lot!

July 7 is the Jean Impey Workshop ( for supply list and inspiration photos) at the Ventura Marriot, 10-4. Tickets are still available for the Rustic Sun workshop. Contact Tisha: for more info and to reserve a seat at the workshop.
Jean Impey will also do a trunk show at the general meeting on July 8.
FQ for July is RED
Special Raffle tonight: Christmas in July. Goes with that RED fat quarter you are bringing!
Challenge is to make something to swap with the pineapple block. Pattern is on the Challenges 2019 tab above.
July BOM is now up on the Challenges tab also.
Quilt Con 2020 Charity Quilt info on its own tab above. If you bring your block to the July meeting you will be in a special raffle for a gift from the 2020 Quilt Con Charity Quilt VMQG organizers, Sarah and Karen.
The drawing for the Grand Prize basket from the Progressive Brunch and Studio Tour will be held live tonight. Who had the lucky Passport?
Don’t forget your pizza box swap!
Sign up for the Giucy Guiseppe Tiny Piecing workshop. Space is limited!
JUNE 10 Meeting
This month we are having a Casino Night complete with a craps table and real croupier, Fabric Strip Poker (well, actually Charm Squares Poker, but “strip” poker sounds so much more exciting, right?), and Black Jack. Bring a pile of modern Charm Squares. 40 or so should be good. One Charm Square pack usually has 42.
Here’s the exciting part: Kim asked us to wear our best “casino attire”. Fancy Hats? Yes! Mile high Monolo Blahniks? Of course! Get out that slinky red lame’ dress you’re saving for a special occasion. Kim promised to come as a Vegas Show Girl. Honest. You will go home with a bunch of modern charm squares and the secure knowledge that what happens at VQMG, stays at VMQG.
Special guest this month are representatives from Ventura County Public Health. They will be here to pick up 19 Philanthropy baby quilts. Some of them are darn cute. Yay!
June Challenge: Last meeting you got an envelope with a magazine photo cutout (we will wait a few moments while you run about trying to remember where you put that darn thing). This photo is to be your inspiration to make something modern and quilted. No problem, right?
We will have some minor changes to the By Laws for your consideration. Just so you know Ventura MQG Board meetings are not all fun and games, we work on serious stuff.
FQ color is GREEN. Open to much interpretation.
Refreshments: Bring your favorite “casino” snacks. What are casino snacks exactly? No clue. Can’t wait to find out.
Don’t forget your Pizza Box for the swap. Just a couple of months to go til the big reveal….
Hoffman Tour: June 14. We are carpooling and meeting at the Hoffman facility in Mission Viejo at 10 am SHARP. We need more people to sign up for the FREE TOUR as Hoffman has minimum number to conduct their tour. Call your friends!
Progressive Brunch News: A few tickets still available.
Wanna make a yummy goodie for the brunch part? Talk to Kim.
Wanna have your lovely modern quilt hanging in the show? Talk to Kim. We really want to show as many members’ quilts as we can, so don’t be shy.
Want to help out at one of the homes? (No heavy lifting, I promise), Talk to Kim.
Please note if you are mobility challenged: Some of the houses have a few steps.
May 13 Meeting
What’s Happening
Program: Janna Bailey is going to teach us her method of paper piecing the Challenge Flower Block.You can visit her blog at:
Fat Quarter: Coral. You know, not exactly pink, not actually peach.
April Challenge: Flower Block for the Philanthropy project. Donate your blocks to the baby quilts Philanthropy project if you wish..
BOM Challenge: is posted on the Challenges 2019 tab above. June is posted also, so you can get a head start if you want.
May Sew-In: May 11, 10-3 at Grace Lutheran. Type “flower” in the search box above right and presto! the pattern appears!
Refreshments: You know you eat at the break, so bring something to share. We will all strive to make sure you don’t have to take any left overs home.
Pizza Box Challenge: Bring the box with the cool things you did in April to give to the next person. I peeked at a box the other day and the blocks are AMAZING. VMQG Pizza Box Challenge quilters are stepping the plate and hitting it out of the park. Sorry, it’s spring and baseball analogies are floating in the air with the pollen
Hoffman Tour: June 14 tour to Costa Mesa is back on. If you can do the driving for a carpool, be sure to say so at this meeting.
Get your tickets to the June 22 Progressive Brunch and Tour of Quilters’ Studios event. $20 per participant. Can you lend us a MODERN quilt to display at one of the homes? Can you volunteer to help out at one of the homes? Can you bring some brunch-ish goodies? All participation is greatly appreciated.
Bring your $10 if you want to sign up for the ValleyMQG/VenturaMQG combined Sew In on May 18 in Tarzana. Spaces still available. If you have signed up but not paid yet, please bring your $$ to the meeting.
Show and Tell: in honor of the incomparable quilter Gwen Marston, who passed away this past month, if you have a Gwen-Inspired quilt, please bring it to Show and Tell.
Special Guest: Anna, from Cattywampus Crafts in Ojai will have a pop up shop at the May meeting and she will donate 10% of her earnings to VMQG. She also said we could have our Philanthropy Sew-In in August at her shop in Ojai!
April 8 Meeting
What’s Happening
Program: Ethnic quilting mini trunks show. Do you have something to show? Bring it!
Fat Quarter: Yellow
April Challenge: Unconventional Materials, paper, leather, recycled textiles, whatever your creative mind has dreamed up. If you want, this can go into the front window display at the Refill Shoppe downtown Ventura. good exposure for Ventura MQG, and you too!
BOM Challenge is posted on the Challenges 2019 tab above. May is posted also, so you can get a head start if you want.
May Sew-In: New flower pattern for the Philanthropy project. Cute, and paper pieced (someone say Yay!). Instructions and photo can be found by typing “flower” in the search box above, at the right.
Refreshments: Bring some.
Pizza Box Challenge: Bring the box with the cool things you did in March to give to the next person.
Hoffman Tour: June 14 tour has been put on hold. Stay tuned
Get your tickets to the June 22 Progressive Brunch and Tour of Quilters’ Studios event. $20 per participant.
Bring your $10 if you want to sign up for the ValleyMQG/VenturaMQG combined Sew In on May 18 in Tarzana.