Exciting Opportunity!
We have mentioned the QuiltFest Oasis in Palm Springs, October 6-8 several times, and described how the show is featuring modern quilts this year. But it’s a bit far for most of us to drive.
Now we have the opportunity to team up with Camarillo Quilters on their bus trip to the show on Saturday, October 8! Their guild is offering Ventura Modern Quilt Guild members the special “early bird” rate of $65, which is the same rate as CQA members.
This includes:
- Continental breakfast on board the bus, including chocolate!
- Admission to the show, including advanced entry with no waiting
- Round trip bus fare
- Plenty of sharing with fellow quilters on the bus
The check-in time at the Camarillo Park and Ride (Las Posas at Hwy 101) is 6:30am, and the bus will depart at 7am. The bus will have us back at the Camarillo parking lot at 7pm. There are no cancellations or refunds, but you may sell your seat to someone else.
Contact Tricia at (805) 797- 7449 or triciasteinfeld@gmail.com.
What a great opportunity to see many modern quilts in one place! Let’s do this!