Ventura MQG Quilt In Public Day 2014

Saturday June 21st
9am – 4pm
Museum of Ventura County

This Saturday is our second annual Quilt In Public Day. We will be meeting in the Plaza (the enclosed courtyard in front of the Main St. entrance) of the Museum of Ventura County which is located at 100 East Main Street, Ventura.

We will be sitting in an outdoor setting working on our quilts (obviously hand work that we could do on our laps), and speaking with any interested museum visitors about quilting and the VMQG. Maureen will bring flyers to hand out.

In addition to in-process quilts, please bring along a couple of completed modern quilts or challenge blocks so that we have examples of our aesthetic.

We will try to provide chairs and a pop-up canopy but it would be best if you pack a foldable chair in your car just-in-case. Please bring food and drink for yourself, it gets warm in the plaza. If you need help bringing your gear to the Plaza please come get me and I’ll help move your stuff there.

If you have any more questions please email Scott.

hope to see you on Saturday,