Our block challenge for September is to make a modified Bento Box block using this great tutorial from Film in the Fridge and the color palette in the photo below. We are donating our finished blocks to our philanthropy committee. Our blocks will be sewn into one or more quilt tops. Use the comment section of this post to ask any questions.
Please read the following notes before beginning your block as some of our requirements differ with the tutorial:
1. We are using fabrics in the color palette below. This will keep the blocks gender neutral.
2. Please keep in mind the modern aesthetic when selecting your fabrics.
3. The block requires 5 different fabrics. (Please read below the photo for the update.)***
4. Georganna recommended not placing two solids next to each other.
5. Your block should finish 16 inches square
6. Do not cut apart your block into quarters.

***Update: It has been brought to our attention that the block actually uses 5 different fabrics, not just the 4 shown here!! Thanks Judy!! 🙂
We have decided to add GREEN to the color palette shown above. So pick a happy, cheerful green that goes with your focus fabric.